Pet Food & Pet Supplies

We supply our community partners, who are out every day of the week in unhoused encampments all over the city of Louisville visiting our unhoused with pets, with everything that they will need to make sure the pets of the unhoused are cared for including pet food and supplies like leashes, collars, harnesses, food/water bowls, blankets, dog/cat coats, carriers and more.

Pet Deposits For Housing

In cooperation with caseworkers, we help the unhoused with companion animals who have qualified for housing with their pet deposits and up to 6 months in pet-related rent fees.

ESA (Emotional Support Animal) Certification

We help caseworkers working with the unhoused with companion animals understand the legalities and qualifications surrounding having their companion animal certified as emotional support animals. For instance, a landlord or anyone else that asks you for a registration number, certificate or ID proving your companion animal is an emotional support animal is misinformed. The only proof you need is the ESA letter written by a licensed professional stating your need for an emotional support animal.

Federal law recognizes the importance of ESAs. Owners of emotional support animals are given certain protections under federal law which enable them to live with their ESAs (even in no-pet buildings) and fly with their ESAs onboard airplane cabins. ESA owners are also exempt from having to pay fees and deposits to housing providers and airlines in order to be accompanied by their ESA.they will be allowed to take their ESA with them into housing and on public transportation.

Federal rules and guidelines from the U.S. Department of Housing and Department of Transportation provide clear answers on this issue. A valid emotional support animal letter must come from a licensed healthcare professional (sometimes also referred to as a “licensed healthcare professional” or LHCP). Licensed health care professionals include physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants, licensed counselors, and other licensed professionals. 

Visit https://esadoctors.com/ask-doctor-emotional-support-animal-letter/ for more details.

Microchipping & Licensing

We work with local veterinarians and authorities like Louisville Metro Animal Services to microchip and license the pets of our unhoused friends to our organization so we help reunite the unhoused with their companion animals should they become separated.

Veterinary Help

My Dog Eats First offers basic veterinary care to the known unhoused in Louisville with companion animals. If you are an unhoused individual with a companion animal or a caseworker that is assisting an unhoused individual and would like more information please email us at info@mydogeatsfirst.org.

Services offered include the following (depending on budget restrictions):

  • Basic Vaccinations
  • De-wormer
  • Flea Treatment
  • Spay/Neuter
  • License for Spayed/Neutered Animals
  • General Wellness & Treatment


My Dog Eats First believes in the healing power of pets and in the love and companionship that these pets bring to the underserved and unhoused.

An estimated 3.5 million Americans are unhoused. Between 5% to 10% of unhoused people have pets that provide companionship, protection, and unconditional love.



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